360° Panoramas by Ed Fink
50th ann. - 2009 UK Press 1
50th ann. - 2009 UK Press 2
50th ann. - 2009 US Press 1
50th ann. - 2009 US Press 2
50th ann. - 2009 Cliff Richard Club
50th ann. - 2009 German Press 1
50th ann. - 2009 German Press 2
50th ann. - 2009 London Exhibition
50th ann. - Johnny  Rogers' Report
50th ann. - 2009 Last Tour Pics 1
50th ann. - 2009 Last Tour Pics 2
50th ann. - 2009 Surf Pics 1
50th ann. - 2009 Surf Pics 2
50th ann. - 2009 Surf Pics 3
50th ann. - 2009 Surf Clear Lake
50th ann. - 2009 Radio/TV Shows
50th ann. - Blackpool Q. Hotel
50th ann. - Cavern Club
50th ann. - Doncaster
50th ann. - Excl. Philly Pics
50th ann. - Holy Rosary P.C.
50th ann. - Nieuwkoop Holland
50th ann. - Liverpool Huyton
50th ann. - Liverpool Ph. Hall
50th ann. - More Liverpool pics
50th ann. -  Radio Merseyside BBC
50th ann. - Rothschild Pavilion USA
50th ann. - Crystal Rock Ballr. USA
50th ann. - Evang. Pressedienst
50th ann. -  Artikel aus Kleve
58th ann. - BHC Lubbock TX
60th ann. - 2019 Int. Press 1
60th ann. - 2019 Int. Press 2
60th ann. - 2019 Int. Press 3
6 CD Buddy Holly Box-Set 2009
Aircraft Accident Report 1959
A new 10'' UK Buddy LP in 2009
A new 10" UK Buddy LP in 2010
A-Z  Buddy Holly & The Crickets
All Tour Dates 1
All Tour Dates 2
All Tour Programmes
Ariel Cyclone
Augury Of Buddy's Death
Austrian Buddy Tribute
Beatles' Letter To The Crickets
Beechcraft Fragments
Berlin 'That'll Be The Day'
Beverly Hills Auction 2010
Boudewijn Büch + Buddy
Buddy And Beyond Show
Buddy And The Cruisers
Buddy At Christmas
Buddy's Bio
Buddy's Birthday 2009
Buddy's Birthday Fan Trip 2009
'Buddy' Essen, 2009 (1)
'Buddy' Essen, MEH (2)
'Buddy' Essen, Vor-Premiere (3)
'Buddy' Essen, Off. Premiere (4)
'Buddy' Essen Bühnenbild (5)
'Buddy' Essen Offene Tür (6)
Buddy Fan David Agius, Malta
Buddy's  Mother Ella Holley
Buddy Holly En Español 1
Buddy Holly En Español 2
Buddy Holly En Español 3
Buddy Holly En Español 4
Buddy Holly En Español 5
Buddy Holly En Español 6
Buddy Holly En Español 7
Buddy Holly En Español 8
Buddy Holly En Español 9
Buddy Holly Photos
Buddy Holly In Solingen
Buddy Holly Timeline
Buddy Holly Trail  2009 - 01
Buddy Holly Trail  2009 - 02
Buddy Holly Trail   2009 - 03
Buddy Holly Trail   2009 - 04
Buddy Holly Trail   2009 - 05
Buddy Holly Trail  2009 - 06
Buddy Holly Trail   2009 - 07
Buddy Holly Trail   2009 - 08
Buddy Holly Trail  2009 - 09
Buddy Holly Trail   2009 - 10
Buddy Holly Trail  2009 - 11
Buddy Holly Trail 2016
Buddy In Birmingham 1958
Buddy Info Plus
Buddy In Liverpool 1958
Buddy + Hans On Air 2007
Buddy + Hans On Air  2008
Buddy Lyrics - A
Buddy Lyrics - B + C
Buddy Lyrics - D + E
Buddy Lyrics - F + G
Buddy Lyrics - H + I
Buddy Lyrics - J + K + L
Buddy Lyrics - M + N + O
Buddy Lyrics - P + Q + R
Buddy Lyrics - S + T
Buddy Lyrics - U  -  Z
Buddy On TV
Buddy Rock & Roll Show
Buddy Song List
Buddy's Plans
Buddy Statue Essen
Buddy Statue Lubbock
Canadian Fan Brian Wilson
CD's Down The Line - Rarities
CD's Memorial Collection
CD "Buddy Holly Reloaded"
CD  "Gotta Roll"
CD "Hollybilly"
CD "Listen to me" - Germany
CD "Not Fade Away"
CD  “Ohh!  Annie!”
CD "Stay All Night"
CD "WDP Buddy Holly" El Toro
Clear Lake 2007
Clear Lake 2008
Clear Lake 2008 - Larry
Clear Lake 2008 - Bob
Clear Lake 2008 - Shannon
Clear Lake - NY 2008 - Ian
Clear Lake 2010 - Bob
Clear Lake 2010 - Ian
Clear Lake 2010 - Clive
Clear Lake 2011 - Mary Kay
Clovis 2010 -  Mary Kay
Clovis 2010 Preview
Clovis Music Fest CD
Clovis 2009 Preview
Clovis 2008 Preview
Clovis 2008 - Suzie
Clovis 2008 - The Hagens 1
Clovis 2008 - The Hagens 2
Clovis 2008 - The Hagens 3
Clovis 2008 - Barry Holley
Clovis 2008 - John Mueller
Clovis 2008 - Johnny Rogers
Clovis 2007 - John Beecher
Clovis 2007 - John's Photos
Clovis 2007 - Sonny West
Clovis 2007 -  CNJ Reports
Clovis 2006/1 - John Beecher
Clovis 2006/2 - John Beecher
Clovis 2006/3 - John Beecher
Clovis 2006/4 - Alan Clark
Coroner's Report 1959
Crash Headlines 1959
Crash Site Fan Pics 1
Crash Site Fan Pics 2
Crickets 60's Pics
Crickets Last Performance
Dan Springall's Story
Dave Slater's Tribute CD
Dave Travis - Buddy's Song
Dortmund - Albert Lee
Earl Sinks Story - Part 1
Earl Sinks Story - Part 2
Echo - Buddy's First Love
Elvis Fans Visit Lubbock
Every Day - DLP - France
Fan Memories - 1 Berndt (D) (1)
Fan Memories - 2 Andreas (D)
Fan Memories - 3 Mike (USA)
Fan Memories - 4 Joachim (D)
Fan Memories - 5 Alfred (D)
Fan Memories - 6 Robert (UK)
Fan Memories - 7 Berndt (D) (2)
Fan Memories - 8 Rob (Canada)
Fan Memories - 9 Vic & Jack (UK)
Fan Memories - 10 Jan (NL)
Fan Memories - 11 (various)
Fan Memories - 12 (various)
Fan Memories - 13 Alan (UK)
Gerd Alzen 40 J. Memory Hits
German Buddy Fan Eberhard
Geoff Ashford's Tribute Song
George Oblin Story
Gerd's Ritchie Cassettes
Green Bay - T. Allsup Proclam.
Hans & Maria Elena on TV
Holley Family Photos
Hollywood Star For Buddy
Ian Wood Videos
Jac's Cover Song List
Jac's Bio
Jac's Cover Songs 1
Jac's Cover Songs 2
Jac's Cover Songs 3
Jac's Cover Songs 4
Jac's Cover Songs 5
Jac's Cover Songs 6
Japan CD - Rare
Jerry Naylor  1
Jerry Naylor 2
Jerry Naylor 3
Jerry Naylor 4
Jerry Naylor 5
Jerry Naylor 6
Jerry Naylor 2013
J.P. McDermott Story
Jump With Buddy Holly
Klaus - Crickets - Stars
Little Buddy Holly Photo
Liverpool Tribute 2009
Lubbock Photos 2006
Lubbock Photos 2008
Lubbock Photos 2010
Lubbock Photos 2011
My Buddy Holly Collection 1
My Buddy Holly Collection 2
My Buddy Holly Collection 3
My Buddy Holly Collection 4
My Buddy Holly Collection 5
My Buddy Holly Collection 6
My Buddy Holly Collection 7
My Buddy Holly Collection 8
My Buddy Holly Collection 9
My Buddy Holly Collection 10
My Buddy Holly Collection 11
My Buddy Holly Collection 12
My Buddy Holly Collection 13
Nesman Interview 2003
Peggy Sue's Book
Postcards To Buddy
Quotes About Buddy
Remembrance Ad
Riverside Monument
Rock 'n' Roll Museum
Rollercoaster Buddy LP+CD
Running Man 2-3-2008
Surf Ballroom Clear Lake IA
Surf Ballroom Poster 1959
Surf Ballroom 2016
Taryn - A True Buddy Fan
The 1959 WDP Film
The Cover Girls
The Final Day
The Last Tour Exhibition
The Shadows About Buddy
The Wieners Tribute Band NL
Till All Times End - Play
Tim M. Otto Story - 1
Tim M. Otto Story - 2
Tribute To Buddy
Up Up And Away
Visiting Buddy 2002
Visiting Buddy 2007 - 1
Visiting Buddy 2007 - 2
Walk Of Fame - Bill Griggs
Worcester Memorial Pics
Young Fan Siobhan Daly
Xmas All Year Long
V. I. P. ' s


The day the music died
    The  day the Music died: February 3, 1959

                     We'll always remember Buddy Holly


50th Anniversary

Buddy Holly Still Rockin'




                                                © WDR

      German Radio

                            3. Februar 2009  -  WDR 2 'Stichtag'

                                                 ca. 9:40 Uhr 

                  Wiederholung bei "Zwischen Rhein und Weser"

                                                 ca. 17:40 Uhr

                                 "  Buddy  Holly  50  Jahre  tot "

                       Moderator:  Musikexperte Detlev Steinmetz

                                   WDR 2  Musicclub - Backstage

                                              3. Februar 2009

                                             23:05 - 23:30 Uhr


               Mit dem Beitrag "Stichtag", Infos zu und Musik von Buddy Holly

           und der Originalfassung von Don McLean's "American Pie" (über 8 Min.)

Deutschlandfunk Logo

                                             Deutschlandfunk, © dradio

                                                     German  Radio

                                           D E U T S C H L A N D F U N K

                                             SONNTAG,  8.  FEBRUAR

                                                    5:05  -  6:00  UHR

                            Präsentiert  von  "MemoMeister"  Gerd  Alzen:

                                                         Gerd Alzen

                                        ORIGINAL  MEMORY  HITS  SHOW

                                        B U D D Y   H O L L Y   T R I B U T E


Lieber Hans Werner,

vielen Dank für Deine emotionale email.

Ich freue mich, dass Du immer noch so engagiert bei Deiner Buddy - Holly
- Geschichte bist - das ist wohl einmalig.

Natürlich möchte ich Dich dabei unterstützen und bin stolz, auf Deiner Seite
zu erscheinen.

Gerne kannst Du die Playlist vorab veröffentlichen.


Wichtig ist, dass wir den

guten Buddy nicht

vergessen - mit seiner
Musik, die uns alle

irgendwie geprägt hat.

”W i r  waren dabei” können
wir mit Stolz sagen - w i r

haben seine Platten selbst


Niemand kann uns das

  “Long live Rock’n’Roll -

  Long live the ORIGINAL



       – seit 1969.


       “Oldies forever - rock on,baby!”


                     Gerd Alzen

Herzlichen Dank sage ich dem Gerd, dass er vorab die Infos über die Sendung

      rausgibt, damit wir Freaks schon was für's private Archiv haben.




                          ARD - DAS ERSTE - GERMAN TV

          © ARD

                       3. Februar 2009 - ARD Morgenmagazin

                                           ' Kalenderblatt '  

                                            5:30 - 9:00 Uhr

                            (im Laufe der Sendung als Beitrag)

                            Buddy  Holly's  Tod  vor  50  Jahren

                                      Autor:  Kalle  Schillings




                                               German TV

                                     Dienstag, 3. Februar 2009

© 2009 SevenOne Intermedia GmbH
     - alle Rechte vorbehalten

     Bericht über den 50. Todestag im Frühstücksfernsehen (im Lauf der Sendung)



           Das Sender - Logo von Radio Memories mit Buddy Holly.

                             Februar 2009  -  RADIO  MEMORIES 

            Im Februar jährt sich Buddy Holly`s Todestag zum 50. Mal.

 Aus diesem Anlass werden wir im Februar eine Reihe von Specials senden:

 Zunächst ist Buddy bei uns 'Künstler des Monats' mit folgenden Sendungen:

                                   Freitag 6.2.2009   Buddy Holly A-Z

                        Freitag 13.2.2009  Buddy Holly Cover-Versionen

                        Freitag 20.2.2009   For The First Time Anywhere

                           (komplette LP mit frühen Originalaufnahmen)

                                           Beginn jeweils 20.00 Uhr

                         Im Rahmen von 'Online Jukebox' senden wir ein

                                        dreiteiliges Buddy Holly Portrait:

                                          ab Montag  2. Februar Teil 1

                                          ab Montag  9. Februar Teil 2

                                          ab Montag 16. Februar Teil 3

                                             Beginn jeweils 12.00 Uhr


                             LP der Woche:  Buddy Holly & The Crickets

                                             vom 13. - 15. Februar

                                          Beginn jeweils 15.00 Uhr


                das Musical ´Buddy` am 27. Februar Beginn 20.00 Uhr

                              Wir wünschen viel Spass beim Zuhören.



                                                FROZEN   RADIO

                                             Augsburg - Germany


    Rock'n'Roll Fan:  DJ Tobias Berndt

                                       FROZEN  SURF  PARTY



         18 Uhr:  Gerd Alzen moderiert "Memory Hits", Thema 'Buddy Holly'

                                             ( aus dem Radioarchiv )

             19 Uhr:  Tobias Berndt moderiert die "FROZEN SURF PARTY".

            Wer diese Sendung noch nie gehört hat, sollte unbedingt reinhören !

    21 Uhr: Tobias Berndt moderiert "Eine zusätzliche Buddy Holly - Stunde"

                                         'THE  DAY  THE  MUSIC  DIED '

          ( Mit Tour-Promos, Tribute Songs und Erinnerungen an die 3 Stars

          Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens und J.P. Richardson - The Big Bopper )

                              ROCK 'N' ROLL  RADIO  -  ACHIM BEI BREMEN

                                                     GERMAN RADIO

                                                   Mit Rainer Umlauf

                                    Dienstag  4. Februar,  9:00 - 11:00 Uhr


                 Danke für die Genehmigung, das Bild zu veröffentlichen, Rainer !



                                                © NDR


                                            German Radio

                                         2.2.2009 - NDR4

                                   NACHTCLUB - MAGAZIN

       10 Minuten im Rahmen der Sendung sind Buddy Holly gewidmet

                                                NDR  Info

                                  SAMSTAG, 7. FEBRUAR 2009

                                         23:05 - 24:00 Uhr

                               WERNER  VOSS  PRÄSENTIERT :


                 NACHTCLUB  CLASSICS





                           Internetradio aus Deutschland

                                       German Radio



Wim de Vries und Hepp

    präsentieren die

  Oldiehitparade und

      sprechen am

    1. Februar 2009

      um 20:00 Uhr 

  auch über den Tod 

     von Buddy Holly

      vor 50 Jahren.

                       Ich empfehle die Seite www.oldiehitparade.de    

                mit ihren umfangreichen Datenbanken, die sehenswert sind. 

                                          (Charts etc.)




                                            03. 02. 2009

                                 20:00 - ?? Uhr (Ende offen)

Diese Aussage machte Moderator Kurt während eines langen Gesprächs.

      @ Kurt: Hat Spaß gemacht, ich melde mich nochmal schriftlich.



                                   German Radio - Erfurt

                                      R A D I O      F. R. E. I.

                                Sonntag  01.  Februar 2009 

                                       19.00 - 21.00 Uhr

   Radio F.R.E. I.  gedenkt 2 Stunden am Sonntag 01. Feb 19.00 - 21.00 Uhr der

                              tragischen Ereignisse vor 50 Jahren.

           Eine Woche später dann eine weitere Radiosendung mit dem Thema.

                                        Nähere Info unter:



                                      STATUS   QUO   ROCKT   RADIO

                                              German Internet Radio

Hallo Hans, 

Habe eben auf Deiner website gepostet, dass ich am kommenden Dienstag ein
Buddy Special über Internetradio sende. Vielleicht hast du Möglichkeiten, diese
Info noch irgendwie an andere Interessierte weiter zu leiten???? 

Würde mich freuen.

Das Ganze läuft bei SQRR-RADIO   www.sqrr.de ab 20 Uhr bis 23 Uhr 

Parallel zur Sendung kann gechattet werden - Infos auf der Radioseite.


                           Liebe Grüße von Manfred - DJ BOOGIEMAN - 

                                   BUDDY HOLLY SPECIAL 03 FEB 2009



                                                              S R  3

                                                       German Radio


                                                       19:05 - 20:00

 Erinnerung an d. 50. Todestag u. Buddy - Musiktitel im Rahmen d. Sendg.


                                      OFFENER  KANAL  BERLIN

                                                 German Radio


                                        Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2009

                                         16:00 - 17:00 Uhr MEZ/CET

                          BUDDY HOLLY, RITCHIE VALENS, BIG BOPPER

                                       SPECIAL MIT THOMAS VOIGT

                                              Hallo Musikfreunde, 

                                     ich möchte mich kurz vorstellen:

Mein Name ist Thomas Voigt. Ich bin Jahrgang 1966 und wie alle in meiner

Generation mit Schallplatten aufgewachsen. Allerdings kaufte ich mir von

meinem Taschengeld keine Platten der damaligen aktuellen Hitparade,

sondern von Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino usw. Im Freundeskreis war

ich damit leider der Einzige und musste Hohn und Spott über mich ergehen

lassen. Ich verbrachte auch viel Zeit vorm Radiogerät und hörte viel RIAS

(legendär die samstägliche Kultsendung mit Lord Knud „Evergreens A Go Go“),

SFB und die Rock ´n´ Roll und Oldiesendungen auf BFBS und AFN.

Inzwischen habe ich eine stattliche Musiksammlung, hauptsächlich

amerikanische Musik der 50er und 60er Jahre (Rock ´n´ Roll, Rockabilly,

Rhythm & Blues, Soul, DooWop und Country).

Seit Dezember 1990 habe ich nun im Offenen Kanal Berlin eine eigene

Hörfunksendung und spiele dort hauptsächlich Raritäten aus den 50er und

60er Jahren. Musikwünsche werden auch erfüllt. Außerdem gibt es in der

jeweiligen Sendung Kurzbiografien über einige Künstler zu hören. Ein großer

Vorteil gegenüber den kommerziellen Radiosendern ist sicherlich, dass

meine Sendung komplett werbefrei ist und alle Musiktitel ausgespielt


                                 Viel Spass beim Hören wünscht


         Die Sendung ist im Berliner Kabelnetz auf 92,6 MHz bzw. 96,85 MHz,

                                       über Antenne 97,2 MHz

                  oder im Internet     www.okb.de     zu empfangen.

                   T i t e l l i s t e :

01. Duane Eddy - Rebel Rouser (Intro)

02. Jape Richardson & The Japetts - Crazy Blues (1957)

03. Jape Richardson & The Echoes -

     Monkey Song (You Made A Monkey Out Of Me) (1958)

04. The Big Bopper - Chantilly Lace (1958)

05. The Big Bopper - Purple People Eater Meets The Witch Doctor (1958)

06. The Big Bopper - The Clock (1959)

07. Ritchie Valens - Come On, Let's Go (1958)

08. Ritchie Valens - La Bamba (1958)

09. Ritchie Valens - Big Baby Blues (1958, Instr.)

10. Arvee Allens - Fast Freight (1958, Instr.)

11. Ritchie Valens - Dooby Dooby Wah (1959)

12. Ritchie Valens - Let´s Rock And Roll (1964)

13. Ritchie Valens - Bluebirds Over The Mountain

14. Buddy Holly & Bob Montgomery With The Fireballs - Flower Of My Heart (1955)

15. Buddy Holly - Don't Come Back Knockin' (1956)

16. Buddy Holly - Baby Won't You Come Out Tonight (1956)

17. Buddy Holly - I Guess I Was Just A Fool (1956)

18. Buddy Holly - Because I Love You (1956)

19. Buddy Holly - That´ll Be The Day (1956, Take 19)

20. Buddy Holly - Everyday (1957)

21. Buddy Holly - Early In The Morning (1958)

22. Rick Tucker - Don´t Do Me This Way (1957, Buddy On Guitar)

23. Rick Tucker - Patty Baby (1957, Buddy On Guitar)

Viel Spaß beim Hören wünscht

Thomas Voigt





                  For your information only - This channel seems to be encrypted

                         Rein informativ, dieser Sender ist wohl verschlüsselt.

                                               NL - TV Station

                                                 Hallo Hans,

  Ik wou U mededelen dat op Geschiedenis TV Herhalingen komen van de volgen

                  programma’s.  Zie Bijlage. Hier de Link van de website.




                                      Groeten Bert Megens.


                      Mijn Complimenten voor U website over Buddy Holly.

                                          Bedankt, Bert.

Een goede informatie. Bedankt voor het compliment. Dat verheugd me.

De zender kan ik niet ontvangen. Wat is de reden? Alleen in Nederland mogelijk?

Pay - TV?  IP-adressen worden geblokkeerd buiten Nederland?

Groeten HANS

Hallo Hans,

Als je deze link opent staat onder GESCHIEDENIS TV-KANAAL.

Start het kanaal klik daarop, dan moet je hem kunnen ontvangen op je PC.

Het is normaal een gecodeerd kanaal in Nederland

Groeten Bert



                                                    BBC  FOUR

                                                    British TV

                                    WEDNESDAY  4  FEBRUARY  2009

             © BBC 2009

                              British Time ( GMT)

                  GMT + 1 hour = CET/MEZ (Germnany)






             © BBC RADIO 2

             Britisches  Radio

                    January 31, 2009:  CRYING, WAITING, HOPING

                     19:00 - 20:00 GMT    -    20:00 - 21:00 MEZ/CET

          Crying, Waiting, Hoping: The Story of Buddy Holly's Last Tour

Steve Harley tells the story of the 'Winter Dance Party', an ill-advised bus

tour of the Midwest, which ended tragically with the deaths of Buddy Holly,

Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper.

The soundound of Buddy Holly And The Crickets prefigured the coming wave of

rock 'n' rollers in the Sixties, influencing musicians like The Hollies and

The Beatles. In the aftermath of his death, Holly's legend has grown in books, on
stage, and on screen.

This programme looks at the personal and business circumstances which led Buddy
Holly to embark on this relatively second-division tour, and the seemingly

unrelated incidents that conspired to bring about his death.

It also covers the legal issues which have affected Buddy Holly's legacy and re-

assesses the often-overlooked talents of Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper.

The programme features new interviews with the two surviving members of Holly`s
touring band, guitarist Tommy Allsup and drummer Carl Bunch, as well as
contributions from Crickets' drummer Jerry `J.I` Allison and guitarist Sonny Curtis.

There are also memories and thoughts from Paul McCartney, George Harrison,

Keith Richards, Don Everly, Hank Marvin, Carl Perkins, Bobby Vee, Little Richard,
Los Lobos, Tony Hicks of The Hollies, Mike Pender of the Searchers, Maria Elena
Holly and Don Mclean.



                   February 3, 2009:  The Hour The Music Died

                    22:30 - 23:30 GMT   -   23:30 - 0:30 MEZ/CET


The broadcast of a docu-drama with actors about Buddy's last hour on this earth.

"The Day The Music Died" is a well-used phrase to describe the tragedy
that extinguished three bright stars from the rock 'n' roll firmament:
Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper.

This docu-drama sets out to establish what may have happened in the
final fateful hour before their plane crashed on that freezing February
night near Clear Lake, Iowa in 1959.

Detailed research by writers Richard Ward and Colin Birch unearthed a
wealth of first-hand recollections to guide this revealing and emotional
script. In addition, the cast used actual examples of the main
characters speaking to enhance the performance.

Among the cast is Laurence Bouvard, who played Buddy Holly's wife Maria
Elena in the West End production of Buddy in 1989, whom she met in order
to hone her characterisation.

The singers' final hour covers the end of their tumultuous gig at the
Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, the car journey to Mason City Municipal
Airport through to boarding the hastily chartered Beechcraft Bonanza
four-seat light aircraft. Who and why they chose to fly is documented in
this bittersweet hour.

The dialogue is interspersed with music from the three musicians as well
as recreations of radio promos and reports of the time.

Cast list:

Rupert Degas - Buddy

Nic Colicos - The Big Bopper

Kerry Shale - Ritchie Valens

Dominic Hawksley - Tommy

William Roberts - Anderson

Susan Sheridan - Lucille

Laurence Bouvard - Maria Elena


           February 7, 2009:  Maria Elena Holly – My Life With Buddy

                      19:00 - 20:00 GMT   -   20:00 - 21:00 MEZ/CET       

Maria Elena Holly talks candidly to Don McLean about her whirlwind

romance,her eight-month marriage to Buddy and her life spent

championing his Name fifty years after 'the music died'.

Singer-songwriter McLean famously sang about the plane crash that killed Holly

and fellow touring companions Ritchie Valens, and J.P. Richardson (known as

The Big Bopper) in his number 1 hit ‘American Pie’.

Documentary producer Mark Rowles says, "My work as an independent producer

for the BBC has had a strong bias towards documentaries featuring great

songwriters and more than five years ago, I noted the fact that Maria Elena Holly

was the last direct living link to Buddy Holly, one of the key foundation writers

of rock ‘n’ roll.

"It’s well known that Maria Elena is a woman with distinct views on how her late

husband’s name should be remembered. Following a series of approaches, over

some four and a half years, Maria Elena recognised the importance of making a

candid audio documentary about her life.

"There are a number of subjects about which she has never been prepared to

speak. However, to my great delight, she felt relaxed enough to talk about

subjects close to her heart that she has carefully avoided for many years.

The result, in this case, is a truly unique insight into a brave and powerful

woman who happened to be married to one of the greats of rock ‘n’ roll.”



                    Presenter/Don McLean, Producer/Mark Rowles



              © BBC Radio 4

              Britisches Radio


                                        February 10, 2009: 

                                               Forever  22

                    11.30 -12.00 GMT   -   12:30 - 13:00 MEZ/CET 

                                  Buddy Holly And The Crickets.

The sound of Buddy Holly And The Crickets prefigured the coming wave of rock 'n'
rollers in the Sixties, influencing musicians like The Hollies and The Beatles. In the
aftermath of his death, Holly's legend has grown in books, on stage, and on screen.

This programme looks at the personal and business circumstances which led Buddy
Holly to embark on this relatively second-division tour, and the seemingly
unrelated incidents that conspired to bring about his death.

It also covers the legal issues which have affected Buddy Holly's legacy and re-

assesses the often-overlooked talents of Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper.

The programme features new interviews with the two surviving members of Holly`s
touring band, guitarist Tommy Allsup and drummer Carl Bunch, as well as
contributions from Crickets' drummer Jerry `J.I` Allison and guitarist Sonny Curtis.

There are also memories and thoughts from Paul McCartney, George Harrison,

Keith Richards, Don Everly, Hank Marvin, Carl Perkins, Bobby Vee, Little Richard,
Los Lobos, Tony Hicks of The Hollies, Mike Pender of the Searchers, Maria Elena
Holly and Don Mclean.

Fifty years ago, singer Buddy Holly died in a tragic air crash. The Who's Roger

Daltrey examines Buddy's key, but sometimes turbulent, relationship with his

manager, Norman Petty.

Buddy Holly was a natural musician from a musical family and, after performing in

several bands, Holly made his first official recording in Nashville for Decca Records,

but he scored no commercial success.

Enter Norman Petty - a producer, studio technician and competent keyboard player.

Petty had no grounding in rock 'n' roll, but enjoyed considerable commercial success

with his band, The Norman Petty Trio.

Thanks to Petty, That'll Be The Day took off in October 1957, topping the charts in

the USA and around the world. It was identical to the song cut a year earlier in

Nashville but now it had Petty's name on the record label as a writer.

Petty's name was to feature as composer on every hit record Buddy Holly And The

Crickets recorded. Petty installed himself as manager to Holly And The Crickets,

taking control of the finances. He gained power of attorney and diverted all record

and publishing royalties through his office, giving the group weekly expenses to live


By 1958, Holly made plans to break with Petty and moved to Greenwich Village.

In response to Holly's move, Petty froze all Holly's royalties, effectively leaving him


Needing cash, Holly decided to tour during one of the coldest, snow-bound winters

on record. After a third replacement bus had frozen up, Holly, fatefully, decided to

hire a plane in order to reach the next gig.

Although Holly's career was cut short, his songs remain a strong influence for

following generations of artists including The Beatles, Rolling Stones and The Who.

Contributors to the programme include Crickets drummer JI Allison; author John

Beecher; and Maria Elena Santiago.


                  Presenter/Roger Daltrey, Producer/John Sugar



                                        February 2 and 3, 2009  

                                        The Day The Music Died

                                 Pete Casiello Keystone Doo-Wop

                               Destination Doo-Wop Radio Network

                                              (Philadelphia, PA)

                               Mondays 6-8 pm and 11 pm EST (USA)

                 Tuesdays 4 am-6 am, 9 am-11 am and 3 pm EST (USA)

                                     EST+ 6 Stunden = MEZ/CET

                                         EST + 5 hours = GMT


My name is Pete Casiello and I am an On-Air Host on

www.destinationdoowop.com It is an internet radio station that consists of  DJ's

(including myself) who put together weekly radio shows to keep the sound of the

"true" oldies alive.  On my show (Keystone Doo Wop), I play some of the best and

rarest Rock 'N' Roll and Street Corner Harmony.

I have been a long time fan of Ritchie's.  Unfortunately I am only 28 years old and

was not able to witness for myself his rise to fame.  For my show on Feb.3, 2009 I

am putting together a 50th anniversary tribute to Ritchie, Buddy Holly, and The Big

I was wondering if you would allow me the honor and privilege to either interview

you for my show or have you submit to me some quotes that I could use on the

show and credit you and your website?

Thanks so much.

Pete Casiello

The show will include an interview with Bob Hale and some quotes by Hans.

First hour

Second hour

Hi Hans -

I'll be doing a tribute on my weekly radio show "The Professor Rocks".

It'll be on January 22nd, and my guest in the studio will be JP McDermott

of the Western Bop band.

We'll be talking about the 3, playing some tracks, and JP will be singing

and playing some of their songs.

It'll be live from 4:00pm to 6:00pm on www.fcac.org/webr

and then will be streamed on my website www.theprofessorrocks.com

